
Main production: Week 1
We are a group of three, made up from myself, Faye Gibbs and Jodie Butcher. We are all playing parts in the opening scene, which will last two minutes. We are all going to be acting with the help of two of our friends. Jodie Butcher will be playing the main character while Faye and I will have smaller parts, this ables us to film.
The film is aimed for 15 and over, the genre is horror.
'Revisited' see's a serial killer come back for the last of four girls after she watched each one of her best friends being brutually murdered. After a year the haunting tragedy revsites her.
The killer who has escaped from jail, discovers the girls through a house window while having a sleepover, as the night gets darker the horror begins until there is one left. Its a countdown game for the killer and will keep the audience on edge as he follows and watches over the last girl.
Jodie Butcher will be playing the main character which is the girl who has survived, Faye Gibbs and myself with a help of a friend will be playing the three other girls. A male friend will be playing the killer with his main symbolism being a pair of latex gloves.

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