
Plot, Genre and audience

Final Plot outline;
After discovering Rose has cancer, she discovers a way to make the most of her life. She knows she cannot rest until she has 'lived.' She confides in her best friend Josephine to help her along the way, Josephine show care and love that Rose is not getting from home life and together they complete Rose's dreams and wishes until her death.

What we intend to display in the film opening according to narrative;
  • Introduction of the main character Rose and a small sight of Josephine
  • Voice overs
  • genre
  • music (relevant to mood)

What we intend to display for the selected target audience;

  • Rose's purposes
  • Emotion
  • Age of the main characters

Target Audience: The film, 'Before I Die' is aimed at a teenage audience and most directed at girls, the film is moving and emotional meaning this would not be relevant as a family film and men wouldn't particularly be interested. As the main characters are girls it would apply to girls similar to the characters.

The music and voice over will play a great part in the audience adapting to the genre of the film, the title also gives away a huge clue towards drama.

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