
We presented our opening to the class for the first time

There were four groups in my class, when the first viewing came around we realised that we were one of the groups that were slightly behind, this was expected as our first idea had failed. As we watched the other groups we realised that we still had a lot of editing missing we took down notes so we could take these into account.
Some of the things we were missing or had to be considered again were;
  • Credits
  • Production company
  • Examination numbers
  • Character names
  • Director names
  • Confusion over why Rose was dying
  • Why some of the shots were brighter than others
  • The length of some of the shots
  • Title timings
  • Volume of the music

I took all of this feedback into account, although I had realised some of these had to be changed anyway, by viewing the other groups I knew we had to get our production up to a higher standard. I corrected the confusion over why Rose was dying by recording some more of the voice over, i did this by slightly changing the poem in the first section. I then changed the fading of the music a little, after figuring out these and other problems I was sure that I had really taken into account the feedback I had received.

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