Final version - Main product (music video)
Specific focus: overall production
Main production:
What did you like best about the music video?
I liked the way you have adapted two story lines into one, it makes it really effective and gives it an edge.
What was your favourite camera shot?
My favourite was the birds eye view of Emily and Joe. This made it look like it was not filmed by you and as a viewer i believed i was in full view of the couples argument.
What did you like/not like about our editing?
I think it was a really good idea that you decided to use jump cuts, this allowed the video to flow smoothly while showing a significant passing of time.
Ancillary task 1: Digipak
What did you like/ did not like about our digipak?
I really like the way you have included mini biographies as this gives it a classy girl band influence, but my favourite had to be the back of the CD case, this image gave a fun element to the digipak.
If needed, how could we improve our digipak?
Although i really like the theme of the forest shots, I believe the front cover should have been a more professional shot with a white or plain background.
Ancillary task 2: Magazine advert
Do you think our magazine advert is worthy of any magazines?
Yes definately! I feel this advert could go into a fashion magazine.
Do you like our choice of editing?
Yes, I think the way you have used a black and white background really makes the four of you stand out! Also, I think the coral colour used as a theme really stands out and was a great idea to match your tops!
Final editing session - 25/03/2010
What did we do?
- Correct spelling mistakes
- Make all images the same size
I took the final images home and added a small warm effect to them, I also put a black border round each so that it gave the images a more professional look and a stronger theme.
Digipak feedback - 18/03/2011
Photographic Image(s): Framing, focus, camera angle, lighting and colour, background and mise-en-scene.
- Images are good and fit the genre of a girl group.
Typography and text: Choice of fonts, sizing, layout, colour, readability, language, register, content
- Font is well used and very appropriate
- Well colour co-ordinated
- We have addressed the audience in the correct way
- There are a few spelling mistakes that need to be corrected
Layout Decisions: Rule of thirds, text, positioning, sizing, balance of image and text, focus of attention
- Text position is very good
Genre codes and indicators of audience targeting:
- Colour in clothing was well co-ordinated and showed the impact of a girl band
- The inside booklet was a very strong idea
- Glamorous hair and makeup
What needs to be improved?
- The shape of the images need to be adjusted so they look more fitted.
Our next plans:
- Make adjustments according to feedback
- Finish all final drafts
- Prepare for final presentation
The Front and Back covers!
The front cover:
We have achieved our objective of a simplistic look with an eye catching use of colour. We did very little editing this image, these included enhancing the saturation and brightness/contrast. We used word art on a word document to include our text, this was easy as we could just copy and paste when we had got the correct size. We only included one review in the bottom left hand corner, this has kept it simple and striking.
The back cover:
I really feel this was the best image for our back cover. From all of our selections the symbolism of walking away relates well to the back of a digipak. By all being connected it also symbolises the closeness of the group. Added on to this image we have included:
- A song list
- A bar code
- The fascination logo
- We have also included a basic copyright logo that is shown on every digipak.
Again, we used very little editing and only chose to enhance the saturation and brightness. As a group we are extremely happy with this result.
Editing the biographies
Here is an example of how we warmed the images:
From this:
To this:
This effect was done via Picasa. It gives the image a far more striking look and gives the impression that it has been developed more professionally.
Pictures of the group for our inside booklet
How we edited these images:
- We simply brightened these images and gave us a more flawless look. The brightening effect also added an enhanced saturation which made the colours of our tops really stand out.
The CD background
We have finally chosen our CD cover background, we decided on this pretty image due to the link it has with our main product! It is also very simplistic feel to it which calms it from the other images we have decided to use in our digipak.
In terms of editing, we enhanced the shadows to give it a sharper and more effective look.
Continuing with the Digipak - 11/03/2011
What we changed:
- We added a biography to Sophie's image
- Adjusted Laura's image as it looked darker than our images
- We decided to change Jodie's image as it was vertical and didn’t really match ours
What will we do next?
- Add Jodie's new picture and complete her biography
- Create a front cover first draft
- Edit and put together the inside images
- Write and edit on the back cover
- Choose an image for the back of our CD
First draft presentation
On Friday's lesson, we presented our first draft to the class, we received both positive and negative feedback.
Feedback in terms of photographic image (Framing, Focus, Camera Angle, Lighting/Colour, Background and Mise-en-scene):
- The image stands out due to the colours used and gives the picture more depth.
- The black and white background compliments the image
- The pose demonstrates a girl band
- The direct gaze is appropriate and eye catching
- We each have our own unique look due to facial expressions
- There is a strong link with our music video
Typography & text: Fonts, sizing, layout, colour, readability, language register & content:
- The text giving information should be smaller that the song title.
- Logo's should be more to the left
- Make the beginning of each title word a capital
- The colour of the font matches our tops
Layout decisions: Rule of thirds, text positioning, sizing, balance of image & text, focus of attention:
- 'Missing You' should be higher and bigger
- The advert is interesting and eye catching
Genre codes and indicators of audience targeting:
- Genre code is very relevant!
- We have clearly targeted the right audience and imitates a girl band very well.
Editing the magazine
I then used the eraser tool to change us girls back into colour for the final image, here is how it looked:
The next step was to add in text. Unfortunately blackjack would not work so we used an italic style to write on the image. We wrote The Sundays across the top and slightly to the left.
And 'Missing You' with our choice of where to get the single at the bottom...
We reviewed the image as a group and here was our draft copy:
The Plan for our magazine advert
This image display's and imitates the likes of a girl band particularly well.
Why we chose this image?
- It displays a full length image of the four of us.
- The background gives a summer and happy effect to the picture.
- We display poses of a typical girl band.
What we aim to change about this image?
Using Photoshop we will edit and include bits into the image to enable it to look more like a magazine advert.
- The background will be black and white and us in colour to ensure that we stand out.
- 'The Sundays' and 'Missing You' will be added using our chosen font of blackjack.
- We will include a small amount of detail such as where the single is available to buy and for download.
Advertising used in Elle magazine
Mariah Carey promoting her single!
Other adverts:
These examples display a strong display of femininity; the images are striking and vibrant drawing the reader in. The advert of Mariah Carey above only provides little detail and unfortunately this was the only magazine advert I could find online that has featured in one of these girlie magazines.
I decided to look at a typical magazine advert that may be displayed in magazines such as NME, these adverts are slightly more indie like and have a different market to what we are targeting.
As you can see, the advert is a slightly different look to what we are trying to portray but gives me a good example in what should be included within our own advert.
Here are the images we have completed and edited so far for our digipak...
Front cover
The image behind the CD
Images for the inside booklet
Individual images for the booklet
How we will include mini-biographies
Ancillary task 2: Magazine advert
We decided on:
Marie Claire
and Company Magazine
All magazines are aimed at females aged 15-30. By choosing magazines that will match our target audience we were able to flick through these and get some ideas as to what is expected from the magazine companies. These magazines heavily feature female celebrities and often talk about style and diet secrets. The magazine advert would be highly successful in one of these magazines as they would target the correct market and attract an audience that would by our single.