The shot i have chosen to use is one of the flash back shots of Emily and Joe.
As you can see the shot includes both of the characters but shows the look and body language from Joe as guilty. As Joe brushes past Emily he has chosen to ignore her making the audience aware that he knows he is in the wrong. The audience not only sides with Emily due to the emotional look shown on her face but because of the dominant story line which is based from a woman's point of view. The lighting is not so much as an issue in this shot as we have chosen to use a black and white effect. We have used the black and white effect during all of our flashbacks to show that the story was in the past, it also keeps it seperate from our purpose as a girl group as we are filmed in the same location. We chose to film this shot in quite a narrow space to show the overlapping of Emily and Joe and their reactions, it also gives a sense of being trapped together as Emily fights to depart from Joe in the other flashback shots. I like the fact that this is filmed with a picture on the wall, giving the shot a homely feel. This adds more drama when we discover that the couple are breaking up because of all that the have together, which initiates to the audience that this was a long term relationship. The shot relates particularly well to the lyrics of the song, as this clearly shows that Emily is the one who is mostly hurt. The lyrics 'I miss missing you,' are a great relation to Emily's face here as this was in the past and the song is stating that she no longer misses Joe.
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