
Digipaks: the current trend

Here i have displayed 6 of the best selling singles at this current time. This first bit of research allowed me to see which aspect was most attractive when targeting an audience.

Rihanna - Whats My Name

lady Gaga - Born this way

Katy Perry - Firework

JLS - Eyes wide shut

Ellie Goulding - Your Song

Adele - Make you feel my love

Similarities from these covers:
- All of these display an image of the artist!
- All singles state the name of the artist and the song title
- Each one has a different colour scheme
- The font has been carefully selected in order to match the song title.

As these alubums are currently top in the pop chart, I though it was essential to adapt our digipak idea taking in aspects of these ideas so that it would fit into the correct market. Although our genre is pop we are in fact a girl band. Below I have displayed examples of digipaks created by pop groups.

Girls Aloud:


These three girl groups show many similarities and have helped me to understand the importance of image that should be displayed on a pop group digipak.
All show images of the girl groups themselves with a pretty bland background.
Again both the title of the song and band are in full display.

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